Data gathered from schools across Warren County will be compiled into one county-wide aggregate data set. The aggregate data set will include data from all participating youth; no individual district will be identified. This aggregate data set is essential to inform decision-makers, policymakers, system leaders, and agency directors on what youth in Warren County need to thrive. When selecting programs to support young people, communities have often relied on data from nationwide surveys, such as the PRIDE Survey, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and Monitoring the Future. But local leaders seeking to dig deeper into the experiences and perspectives of the young people living in their areas need specific and current information to maximize the effectiveness of their strategies.
Surveying youth benefits Warren County communities in four important ways:
Amplify the voices of young people: Data from youth surveys allow local organizations and decision-makers to learn about youth from the voices of youth themselves.
Inform local decision-making: Sharing data among community stakeholders lets more of the perspectives and opinions of young people inform local decision-making.
Improving collaboration among youth-serving organizations, public systems, and the community: Collaboration on youth surveys helps local stakeholders partner more effectively on solutions and interventions to better serve youth.
Access additional resources for youth in Warren County: Every year, millions of tax dollars are funneled into communities through grants and allocations to support positive youth development. To secure these resources for Warren County, we must have a data set to define the issues to be addressed and to monitor progress over time.